

What Members Are Saying About fruitful purpose...

Marcie 45 Healed from Triple Negative Breast Cancer

“My name is Marcie, and I am 45 years old. I was told that I had Triple Negative Breast Cancer last year, New Year’s Week. Some happy New Year…the more that I researched and heard about what kind of cancer I had, the more I lost hope. I was told that I would have to have my breasts removed then, chemotherapy and radiation as soon as my insurance got approved, and that I didn’t have much time to look at options because this kind of cancer is different from other types of invasive breast cancer because it grows and spreads faster, has fewer treatment options, and usually always has a much worse outlook. I was scared to death! Once I had time to think I started asking what the fewer treatment options are, because everyone I know that has cancer is told they have to have surgery (mostly), and has to have chemotherapy and radiation (so how are my options any different?) I knew that this was NOT the way that I wanted to go. I have seen too many people go that road, being a CNA for over 15 years. So, I started doing my research and came across a post that one of my friends in Florida shared, it was for fruitful purpose, and the post said that they help people with cancer heal naturally. I sent them a message, invested in my life, and here I am today, cancer free! I worked with them for 8 months and continue to keep my healthy lifestyle up and practice everything that they taught me. It’s not just about being cancer free for me, its about respecting and loving myself and my body enough to treat it like the amazing and priceless thing that it is- that I am. I learned this and how to from fruitful purpose. Beth and Lynn don’t just throw you on a diet and give you some holistic things to do or pills to take. They worked with me on SO many levels. I have learned so much from them. I honestly do not think that I would be alive today if I hadn’t taken that step and sent that message.

​I am grateful for these two. If you are on the fence, get off it and join. You are only wasting your own time sitting there.”

 Marcie W.

Larry 50, Stage 3 Prostate Cancer

Marcus Age 52 Healed from Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 

“I had a close cousin that died while on chemotherapy, so I saw firsthand what I did not want to deal with. Although it was not the same kind of cancer that I had, they did want me to start chemo once my insurance was approved, and I just felt like no matter if I lived or died, that was not a road that I was comfortable going down. Someone at my church told me about fruitful purpose, so I gave them a call. I am blessed to say that I never did any chemo and I have been cancer free for 9 months and going strong now. I even had other problems with my body before that also went away during my time on the program. These ladies are the real deal, and I can never be thankful enough." 

Marcus Collins Jr.

 Sandra 42 Healed from Rectal Cancer

 “My name is Sandra, and I am 42 years old. I was told that I had rectal cancer when I was 41 by my doctor, and sent to an oncologist. They told me that what they wanted to do was start me on 16 rounds of chemotherapy, and then radiation after they do surgery.

The first thing that went through my mind is that I won’t be here to see my children grow up and how will I tell my family this news.

I drove straight to a park and just cried in my car for what seemed like hours. When I went home I told my husband and we decided that we would fight this with all of our might. After having the tumor cut out, and 4 rounds of chemo, 2 more tumors grew on my uterus wall I felt like I was killing myself for nothing, it seemed like it just made it worse.

Not one doctor actually took the time to listen to me when I would try to talk to them about anything natural or ask what to do and just kept insisting that I keep up with chemo even though my intuition told me that if I did, I would not live to see my next birthday. I told my family that I was not going to do any more chemo or the radiation shortly after that.. I felt in my heart that there had to be another way.

My husband and best friend spent countless hours with me researching the different things that I could do, but the more we researched and tried to put things together the more frustrating it became because there is so much out there and most of it is (from what know now, a bunch of misinformation that doesn’t work).

I was at a bakery almost in tears and in line when I saw a post from a mutual friend of my sister on Facebook talking about how she is now cancer free. She was just saying all of these wonderful things about the program she used, and said that it was 100 percent holistic and that not only did she heal from cancer but that she felt better than she did when she was a teenager. She went on to say that even her high blood pressure and PTSD that she suffered from for half of her life was gone too. I tapped the link on her post and started talking to fruitful purpose.

I started the program right away, and just finished 2 months ago. I am here today to tell you that my cancer is gone! I AM CANCER FREE, and I too have never felt better in all my life! I thank the Lord above for the mission and works of these ladies. If you have cancer and have been on the line about what to do, go for it! I wish that I had saved myself all that pain and trouble before and found them first. You won’t regret it.


Sandra Cox-Ivey 

Latisha 46 Healed her Lung Cancer with fruitful purpose

“I didn’t know what to expect when I joined, only that I knew that I did not want to go through chemotherapy and operation. I was willing to try anything that wasn’t going to harm me more than the cancer. After speaking with my specialist and hearing more about the program, I knew that this is what I wanted to try. I worked with my specialist and did what I was told to do- I’m not going to say I didn’t work hard, because I did. You have to work hard if you want something bad enough. I loved learning so much about the body on my weekly calls too and would get all of my questions answered. I put everything to practice. The mass started getting smaller and smaller and now it is not traceable. I have kept the same lifestyle up even after finishing the program. Thank you, Fruitful Purpose, for helping me save my own life.” 

Latisha Barnes

Stephanie 55, Metastatic Breast Cancer into the Brain

Adam, 68 Healing Prostate Cancer

"I want to share my recent experience with fruitful purpose. Through prayer and a lot of research I chose Fruitful Purpose and my specialist has been my mentor, and she has helped me every step of the way. When I started I was a little skeptical but I jumped on board with both feet and didn't know what to expect. Within the first two weeks I noticed less pain and my body was feeling the difference. I am about halfway through my personalized program and even though it isn't easy it is rewarding and by the time I'm finished I believe I will be healed and have developed a refreshing lifestyle." 

Adam Polar 

David 56 Healed Colon Cancer

 I knew that having radiation and chemo was not something that I wanted to go through. Seen too many people deteriorate or not come back at all from it; being an MD myself. We may say it is the best thing for you because we don't know what else to tell you, but it just isn't true. There are things we can and cannot say. I went with fruitful purpose because it felt right. I stayed with them and followed my protocols for almost one year. I did what I had to do, and now not going through any surgeries, chemo, radiation, or drugs I am cancer free, and I have no fear that it will ever come back. Chemo and radiation put you in "remission" for a few years if you're lucky. Life changes and fixing the problems while working on yourself gives you your life back. I want to say thank you to these 2 women; fruitful purpose gave me my life back." 

David C. MD

Alex 43 Currently Healing from Solitary Plasmacytoma 

" I have been on the program now for 2 months and feel like I did when I was 17. This is no joke, and I am learning so much- get on it and just do it people!" 

Alexandro Hernandez

Chas 36, Papillary Thyroid Cancer 

RONALD 56 Healed Liver Cancer 

"I’m not going lie, I wasn’t sure what to expect or even if I could follow through with the program when I joined. I knew that I wanted to give it my all though because this was my last hope.

I knew that being hooked up to a machine until I died was not the way that I wanted to go out either way. When I joined, I could barely walk and had to use a cane most of the time because of the pain and swelling.

After I think 15 days into the program the pain and swelling were gone completely, and I was walking without my cane for the first time in 2 years.
That was the gamechanger for me.

I knew that that I could do this and what I was doing was going to save my life, and it did.

I thank God for these ladies every day.

My masses kept getting smaller, and now they are gone. I still live the same way as they showed me because I feel so good. Who would want to go back to hobbling around and living on the couch in pain if they don’t have to?

If you are thinking bout joining the program I say, what do you have to lose? You have everything to gain. It’s a spiritual thing too, now I take time for myself, have learned about boundaries, and am doing what I love, working on cars again. You can’t go wrong with these two. They are the real thing.”  

Ronald Ramsey 

Sara Healed Breast Cancer

“I didn’t expect much when I booked my consultation. I thought that they would either tell me to eat some magic seeds or that I should get my breasts removed and then call them back (I was actually told that before by another place).

Something kept pulling at me to make the appointment though, so I did. I can honestly say that working with Fruitful Purpose is the best thing that I have ever done for myself. Not only do I feel better than I did when I was in my 20s, but the tumors in both breasts are gone! If you are hesitant on booking that consultation or joining, do yourself a favor and just do it. You’re not going to regret it. They were with me every step of the way just like they said they would be and now I don’t take a single day of this precious health of mine for granted."

Sara Brockman

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